
Using the Hanshan Tang Web Site

On this site you are able to access a set of records corresponding to our current published list, along with a substantial additional selection of our stock.

Please note that we currently only display a portion of our stock. If you do not find what you are looking for here, it is always worth getting in touch with us to see if we can answer your requirements.

The top right ‘Quick Link’ region of the page provides links which load – into the sidebar on the left – lists for all the sections of the most recent list: New & Recent, any special section or sections, the From Our Stock section, and the entire current list. Sections of the list are also accessible from the dropdown menu below the Quick Links, along with indexes for many other special sections in our previous lists over the years.

The row of buttons beginning with ‘Current List’ allows you to browse categorized indexes for all the records on this site (many more than are in the most recently published list). For example, when the ‘Titles’ button is highlighted, you will be browsing all these records ordered by title. By clicking, in addition, the 'B' button of the alphabet below, you will see, in the sidebar to the left, a list of all records filed under ‘B’. Clicking on the links within the sidebar index brings up full details for each item.

Could you get me that one?

Lists in PDF Format

Recent lists are also available as PDF files for viewing in your browser or to download.


Please Note:

  • The records on this web site represent only a small proportion of our stock. If there are books you cannot find, please contact us with a Wants List.
  • The books listed here may not necessarily be in stock. This site has everything from our last four lists. Out-of-print books in the earlier lists may well have gone. However, we record all your enquiries concerning items you want. If we obtain further copies, they will be quoted to you.