WU0YC3 Wu Weishan ed: YANGLIU CHUN FENG: ZHONGGUO MEISHUGUAN CANG YANGLIUQING GU BANHUA JINGPIN ZHAN HUAJI. Breezing Willow: Collections of Yangliuqing Ancient Version New Year Paintings from the National Art Museum of China. 楊柳春風 : 中國美術館藏楊柳青古板畫精品展畫集. Beijing, 2017. 5, 258 pp. Colour plates throughout, 1 foldout. 30x26 cm. Cloth. GBP 140.00 Produced to accompany an exhibition at the National Museum of China, this work shows Yangliuqing New Year prints dating from the Kangxi reign through to the end of the Qing dynasty. The prints held in the Museum's collection and many exhibited and published for the first time. A fine and varied selection. Illustrated throughout in colour. Introduction and eight pages of curatorial notes in English. Main text in Chinese. Subjects: Printing Item 623 in List 209. URL for this record: hanshan.com/?w/WU0YC3.HTM Record produced by Hanshan Tang Books, www.hanshan.com. |