WMMWS1 Ulanqab Municipal Museum ed: WULANZHAIBU SHI BOWUGUAN GUANCANG WENWU JINGPIN JICUI. (Cultural Treasures in the Collection of Ulanqab Municipal Museum). 烏蘭寨布市博物館館藏文物精品集萃. Beijing, 2018. 305 pp. Colour plates throughout. 29x21 cm. Boards. GBP 100.00 Ulanqab is a regional city located in south-central Inner Mongolia, the surrounding area littered with archaeological sites from the Neolithic through to the Liao and Yuan dynasties and including many ancient tombs of the nomadic steppe peoples. The Museum's collection is testament to this rich historical legacy and here is illustrated a fine selection of artefacts including steppe Ordos-style bronzes and small gold objects, Neolithic pottery, ancient bronzes and a fine selection of Liao (Khitan) and Yuan material. Many unusual and unpublished pieces. Illustrated throughout. Text in Chinese. Subjects: Archaeology Gold Item 248 in List 208. URL for this record: hanshan.com/?u/WMMWS1.HTM Record produced by Hanshan Tang Books, www.hanshan.com. |