YANBP1 THANGKA, BUDDHIST PAINTING OF TIBET. Biographical Paintings of 'Phags-pa. Beijing, 1987. 164 pp. full page colour plates throughout. 37x26 cm. Cloth. GBP 70.00 'Pjags-pa was a member of the aristocratic Khon family of Tibet, born in 1235, and who became a learned Buddhist scholar, teacher, preacher and tutor to Kublai Khan, To this day he is held in great esteem. The 25 (of an original 30) surviving thangka scrolls depicting his life and teachings are stored in the Sa-skya Monastery in Tibet. This work illustrates the surviving scrolls and describes the scenes depicted. The scrolls probably date from the Ming dynasty. Text in English. Good introductory texts and detailed descriptions. A scarce work. Subjects: Painting Item 617 in List 211. URL for this record: hanshan.com/?t/YANBP1.HTM Record produced by Hanshan Tang Books, www.hanshan.com. |