ZZHYF1 Nanjing Museum et al: HONGSHAN YUEMU FAJUE BAOGAO. Excavation Report on the Burials of the Yue State at Hongshan. 鴻山越墓發掘報告. Beijing, 2007. 10, 29, 375 pp. Plus 160 pp. of colour plates. 363 b/w text figures and diagrams, some folding. Tables. Appendixes. 30x23 cm. Cloth. GBP 85.00 Major official excavation report from one of the most important recent archaeological excavations in China. The Yue State burial complex, near Hongshan in Jiangsu province, comprises almost 100 earth-mound burials, many now excavated from 2003-5. The Hongshan site is particularly significant for the study of the ritual and music of the Spring & Autumn period Yue State ; for the origins of celadon; and for techniques of jade micro-carving. This work is the main excavation report. Separate related monographs have been published on ritual objects, musical objects, and jades. Four-page abstract in English, otherwise Chinese. Subjects: Archaeology Item 146 in List 208. URL for this record: hanshan.com/?n/ZZHYF1.HTM Record produced by Hanshan Tang Books, www.hanshan.com. |