MO0SY1 Mo Youzhi: SONG YUAN JIU BEN SHU JINGYANLU. (Bibliographical Notes on Song and Yuan Editions which have Passed beneath my Gaze). 宋元舊本書經眼錄 。 莫友芝 著. Beijing, 2000. 3 juan plus 2 supplementary juan in 2 ce. 2 vols. 27x18 cm. Stitched, cloth case. GBP 50.00 Mo Youzhi (1811-71) was a scholar and bibliophile associated with the printing establishment set up by Zeng Guofan. This is a facsimile reprint of a 1873 publication, Mo's highly-regarded bibliographical notes on 310 Song and Yuan editions which he saw between 1865 and 1869, with a two-juan supplement of notes on bronze and stone inscriptions. The original was printed in an attractive imitation Song period style. Hummel 582-3. In Chinese only. Long out-of-print. Subjects: Bibliography Rare Books Item 90 in List 211. URL for this record: Record produced by Hanshan Tang Books, |