HPMJM1 Hunan Provincial Museum ed: JINIAN MAWANGDUI HAN MU FAJUE SISHI ZHOU NIAN GUOJI XUESHU YANTAOHUI LUNWEN JI. Proceedings of the International Symposium Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Excavation of the Han Tombs at Mawangdui. 紀念馬王堆漢墓發掘四十週年國際學術研討會論文集 。 湖南省博物館 編. Changsha, 2016. 8, 741 pp. A few b/w text illustrations. 26x18 cm. Wrappers. GBP 70.00 Proceedings of a large symposium held to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the hugely-important Mawangdui Han dynasty tombs. 83 (!) papers were given, divided into three main sections; Archaeological Excavation; Books and Paintings Copied on Silk or Bamboo; Antiquity Researches. Five page list of papers in English and a brief abstract to each paper also in English. Main text in Chinese. Hard to obtain. Subjects: Archaeology Item 97 in List 208. URL for this record: hanshan.com/?h/HPMJM1.HTM Record produced by Hanshan Tang Books, www.hanshan.com. |