GGMQF1 Gugong Palace Museum ed: QIAOFA ZAOHUA: YANGMING SHANFANG CANG SONG YUAN MING QING QIQI. The Creation of Natural Immensity and Grandeur: The Yang Ming Shan Fang Collection of Lacquer from Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. 巧法造化 : 陽明山房藏宋元明清漆器. Beijing, 2020. 365 pp. Colour plates throughout, many full page. 29x29 cm. Boards. GBP 150.00 Large and well-produced catalogue of an excellent private collection of Chinese lacquer. 110 pieces are shown dating from the Song and Yuan (10), the remaining 100 being Ming and Qing examples. All illustrated in full page colour plates and well described. The smaller pieces are illustrated actual size, larger examples as near to life-size as possible. Close-up detail of many pieces shown. Near dual texts in Chinese and English. Very good contribution to the subject. Subjects: Lacquer Item 522 in List 210. URL for this record: Record produced by Hanshan Tang Books, |