FU0TB1 Fu, Shen C. Y. et al: TRACES OF THE BRUSH. Studies in Chinese Calligraphy. New Haven, 1977. 314 pp. Over 200 plates & 89 illustrations. Notes, bibliography, index. 29x22 cm. Paper. GBP 30.00 More than an exhibition catalogue, this has excellent chapters on reproduction & forgery in Chinese calligraphy, the various script styles, format and integration of painting and calligraphy, and on Zhu Yunming. John Rosenfield's copy with his name on the cover. Dedication inside from the authors. Subjects: Calligraphy Item 293 in List 211. URL for this record: hanshan.com/?f/FU0TB1.HTM Record produced by Hanshan Tang Books, www.hanshan.com. |